Diversity of Monopyle within Columbia


  • Sara Brook Coombs Glenville State College
  • Jeremy L Keene




The family Gesneriaceae is a group of herbaceous tropical plants that are identified generically by their attractive flowers. They are also well known for their variation in form and physical characteristics. The largest genus within the subtribe Gloxiniinae is Monopyle.  Monopyle includes around one hundred species spanning from South America to Guatemala. The classification of species within Monopyle of Columbia needs further review to insure that species properly delimited. My research focuses on the description of Monopyle campanulata.  This species will be compared to other species within this region using both morphological and molecular methods. The use of morphological characteristics such as petiole length, density of pubescence, corolla shape coupled with color, and calyx shape differences allow me to compare the phenotype of each species for separation. In addition to this, molecular studies will be performed to provide a separate objective dataset to insure the morphological differences are valid.  These procedures will also allow me to identify any hybridization or cryptic speciation.   




How to Cite

Coombs, S. B., & Keene, J. L. (2017). Diversity of Monopyle within Columbia. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science, 89(1). https://doi.org/10.55632/pwvas.v89i1.251



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