Turbidity more than herbivory, negatively correlated with Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx. stem length and biomass in slow water habitats in three Appalachian Plateau rivers.
The effects of environmental stressors (water chemistry, habitat characteristics, herbivory, etc.), on macrophytes are understudied and fewer studies have focused on how stressors impact macrophytes in swiftwater habitats. Podostemum ceratophyllum, a swiftwater macrophyte native to Eastern North America, has been identified as a foundation species of Appalachian rivers because of the plant’s positive influence on macroinvertebrates, fish, and ecosystem processes. We initially sought to explore the effects of herbivory on the plant in three rivers in the Appalachian Plateau, however, we found little evidence of herbivory limiting Podostemum stem length and biomass. Instead, we observed that when Podostemum was exposed to low-flow conditions for approximately two weeks, stem length significantly decreased, and reduced stem length and plant biomass were correlated with turbidity in these rivers. Continued research exploring how environmental stressors influence Podostemum growth and survival could improve river management and support the conservation and restoration of the plant to eastern North American Rivers.
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