Anatomical terminology regarding anatomical variations needs to be refined: An example systematic review of extensor pollicis et indicis and extensor indicis et medii variations


  • Jacob E. Herriott
  • Matthew Zdilla West Virginia University


anatomy, anatomical terminology, anatomical variation, medical terminology, systematic review


The anatomical terminology used to identify typical anatomical structures has been condensed over time as evidenced by compendiums of anatomical terminology such as Terminologia Anatomica. Yet, most variant anatomical structures which are diverse, common, and inherently clinically important have not been subject to the same sort of scrutiny and standardization. Thus, superfluous anatomical terminology remains commonplace with regard to anatomical variations. This study utilizes a systematic review to demonstrate a thorough means of assessing anatomical nomenclature. Specifically, the study assesses superfluous terms used to describe singular anatomical variations of the extensors of the 1st and 2nd digits including extensor pollicis et indicis communis, extensor pollicis et indicis accessorius, and extensor pollicis et indicis as well as the extensors of the 2nd and 3rd digits including extensor indicis et medii communis, extensor indicis et medius communis, extensor indicis et medii proprius, and extensor indicis et medii accessorius. The systematic review informs the use of extensor pollicis et indicis and extensor indicis et medii as preferable terms due to accuracy in description, brevity, and historical consistency. The reproducible methods and results of this study may serve as a model to henceforth improve anatomical nomenclature in an objective and scientific way. Likewise, the methods and results of this study may be used as lens through which retrospective assessment and interpretation of anatomical variations may be viewed.


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How to Cite

Herriott, J. E., & Zdilla, M. (2025). Anatomical terminology regarding anatomical variations needs to be refined: An example systematic review of extensor pollicis et indicis and extensor indicis et medii variations. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science, 97(1). Retrieved from



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