Analysis of Socio-Demographic, Pollution, And Hazard Risk Factors Affecting Life Expectancy In West Virginia: A Multilevel Regression Approach

Factors Affecting Life Expectancy In West Virginia


  • Sagar Sharma Timilsina West Virginia University
  • Tilak Bhusal West Virginia University
  • Ashish Nimbarte West Virginia University
  • Avishek Choudhury West Virginia University


Life expectancy, Hazard proximity, Exposure risk, Pollution, Socio-economic, Demographic


West Virginia, a rural Appalachian state, has the second lowest life expectancy at birth in the USA. Multiple factors like demographic, socio-economic, pollution, hazard proximities, etc., are worsening the situation. We have developed multiple multilevel linear regression models with counties as the clustering variable to study the relation of different factors with life expectancy. Data was extracted from the EPA’s EJScreen and P2 EJ facility mapping tool datasets. Data covering 1,639 census blocks across all 55 counties of the West Virginia state is considered. We found the model with Hazard Proximity and Exposure Risk variables had the best fit, and it suggested that traffic proximities, residential lead exposure, toxic releases to discharge water, proximity to underground storage tanks, proximities to RMP facilities had a significant positive relation to lower life expectancies in West Virginia. Although not a significant parameter, proximity to Superfund sites was also positively related to lower life expectancies in West Virginia. Therefore, state- and federal-level policymakers should consider these hazard proximities and exposure risk factors while making policies related to life expectancies.


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How to Cite

Timilsina, S. S. ., Bhusal, T., Nimbarte, A., & Choudhury, A. (2025). Analysis of Socio-Demographic, Pollution, And Hazard Risk Factors Affecting Life Expectancy In West Virginia: A Multilevel Regression Approach: Factors Affecting Life Expectancy In West Virginia. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science, 97(1). Retrieved from



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