Hickman Run, Fairmont, WV stream quality assessment


  • Emily Jordan Fairmont State University
  • Mark Flood
  • Mike Bragg
  • Stephanie DeGroot




Hickman Run stream needs rehabilitation because of pollution coming from various sources. Stream health was assessed through sampling of 10 different sites along Hickman Run stream, which drains into the Monongahela river. Chemical data was collected such as temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen in addition to biological testing for coliform bacteria and the collection of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Conductivity measurements did not exceed 400 mg/L on days there were no precipitation. pH was between 6-9 at all sites except for sites 1-4 on one test day where there was active precipitation. Dissolved oxygen measured above 3 ppm at all sites. Fecal coliform count was at or below 200 fecal coliforms per 100 mL of H2O at all sites except for the furthest site downstream. On a test day in January 2019, all sites but 1 and 4 were above the fecal coliform threshold. On a test day in February 2019, all sites were below the fecal coliform threshold. 15 aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected, identified and assessed for pollutant tolerance using the Hilsenhoff Family Biotic Index. Overall, Hickman Run stream is in good condition at this time and does not need rehabilitation. This research was funded by a FSU NASA WV Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Affiliate Fellowship grant.




How to Cite

Jordan, E., Flood, M., Bragg, M., & DeGroot, S. (2019). Hickman Run, Fairmont, WV stream quality assessment. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science, 91(1). https://doi.org/10.55632/pwvas.v91i1.496



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