Effects of Personalized Peer Tutoring with Students that are Under-Represented and/or in STEM Fields.
Tutoring, First-Generation, Under-RepresentedAbstract
The First2 Club at Fairmont State University started a peer-tutoring program during the 2020/2021 academic year to help support STEM and under-represented students by offering free and personalized tutoring. This tutoring initiative currently has four tutors. The student tutors range from sophomore to senior and are all Natural Science majors. The tutors have set tutoring dates and appointments available to meet with students. Most tutoring is one-on-one, but can also be in a group setting. After the meetings, students complete a survey. Preliminary results show 73 tutoring sessions in chemistry, biology, and physics courses. These courses tend to be the courses with the highest turn-over rate. Students tutored met the following demographics: female, first-generation, LGBTQ, minority, and male. Thus far the peer-tutoring program has been successful in reaching underrepresented students in STEM courses in the hope to increase the pass rate. Results of grade increase have not been assessed.
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